Software Modernization

Create a competitive advantage with our cutting-edge software modernization service. We help businesses update legacy software to improve security, performance, and flexibility.

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Business Challenges We Address

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Software products migration to Cloud

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Software products migration to a new stack or framework

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Rejuvenation of existing software products

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Software product security improvement

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Software moral obsolescence avoidance

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Outdated software decommission and risk mitigation

Sombra Software Modernization Solutions


Migration to the cloud

We migrate applications, websites, databases, storage, physical or virtual servers, or the entire data centers to the Cloud.


Migration to a new stack or framework

To maintain your product’s competitiveness, transfer your application from an outdated stack to the newer one.


Software Modernization Workflow



Analyze business requirements and product functionality Code and architecture, UX/UI or QA framework review Deliverables: Assessment report with gap analysis and improvements suggestions Improvement roadmap Improvement implementation proposal with a budget estimation



Gather software modernization team Setup environments, accesses, and tools Iteratively perform software modernization (refactoring/migration to the new platform) until done Deliverables: Application refactored/migrated and working as agreed in the “Audit” phase



Support & maintenance of modernized software (bug fixing) Iterative extension of updated software by adding new features / implementing change requests Deliverables: Modernized software is supported and extended according to the needs


Benefits of Software Modernization With Sombra

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Budget optimization

Timely software modernization can help reduce operational costs and prioritize economically viable software for your organization.

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Improved performance

Take advantage of software modernization with Sombra to improve your software performance and address current business objectives.

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Decreased time-to-market

Improved performance and scalability of software accelerates your ability to implement new features for the end user.

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Enhanced usability for end-users

Sombra software modernization workflow ensures to assess and improve your current software usability.

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Improved company's reputation

Transform your outdated software to stay on top of the latest technologies and increase your company’s credibility in the market.

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Software support

Sombra migrates business-critical legacy software to modern infrastructure and provides extended support afterward.

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